

Apr 22, 2024

Hot Weather Camping Tips

My middle child has recently asked to go camping. His big brother says it’s because of me burning brush and the fire made him think of a campfire. I giggle every time I think of that explanation for the sudden interest in camping because he’s never been! Nonetheless as a momma I am always pushing my own limits and thinking of ways to enrich my kids’ lives.

Tent camping in the summer is not my idea of fun, and if I’m being honest it’s not really my idea of fun anytime. My anxiety takes over, and I come up with a lot of What-ifs when I think about tent camping with three littles. Here I am, though, researching how to not make it something we have to suffer through; and maybe even making it into an enjoyable experience.

Pack your cooling towels, a heavy duty ice chest, and your perseverance and you might survive tent camping during the summer. Or just wait like I plan to, and do your adventuring when the temps are cooler and the mosquitos aren’t as plentiful.

Special thank you to Whitney Spears for allowing use of her camping photo.